Hollie Dee

Freelance writer and cultural maven. UK born, USA raised.

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Our mission is to restore coral reefs through revolutionizing the way humans interact with the reef system. With 25% of all marine life at stake, it is time to recognize the human impact on our reefs. However, due to climate change, rising ocean temperatures, and human intervention, coral reefs are seriously endangered. Coral cannot survive in water that is too warm, and warm oceans generate mass bleaching events– killing off entire reef systems. Increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere mean that corals cannot build their calcium dense skeletons.

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It’s a Long Way to Ba Sing Se: Rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender

When Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA), first aired on Nickelodeon, I was eight-years-old. With the eyes of a fantasy-obsessed child, Avatar seemed like a pretty standard anime. It was a world in which people could manipulate the classic elements (benders), and a chosen one (Aang) must stop the world from impending doom. I sat, content, on my couch on a Saturday morning and indulged in tales of the fire nation, flying bison, and Sokka’s stomach.

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The United Nations Environmental Program recently published an article underlining the importance of coral restoration in the face of climate change. The article views coral bleaching events (such as the terrible March 2020 mass die-off in the Great Barrier Reef ), as warning signs from ocean. The Head of UNEP’s Marine and Fresh Water Branch, Leticia Carvalho, says: “Scientists have been telling us for a while that coral bleaching events would become more frequent...